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Studies showing how companies use Business Intelligence in real-world situations to make informed decisions that drive success. 

CASE STUDY #1: Analyse des performances d’un portefeuille

Secteur : Distribution des boissons

Produits ciblés : Boissons gazeuses et alcoolisées

Période Analysée : Hebdomadaire, mensuel et annuel du CA

Cette analyse peut être poussé plus loin en ajoutant d’autres KPI pour faire la correlation entre :

  • les clients gagnés et le CA

  • Les clients' perdus et le revenu perdu

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CASE STUDY #2: Coca-Cola Using Business Intelligence

With 35 million Twitter followers and a whopping 105 million Facebook fans, Coca-Cola benefits from its social media data. Using the power of BI, gives the company important insights into who is drinking their beverages, where they are and why they mention the brand online. The information
helps serve consumers more targeted advertising, which is four times more likely than a general ad to result in a click.
Coca-Cola after integrating the use of business intelligence (BI), marketing, operations, sales, and finance (return on investment) has been increasing. This explains the importance of powering data with BI for targeted marketing thus comparing the growth for the last five years will provide a basis of the growth pattern while also providing an opportunity for future predictions and recommendations. The table below compares the trend between 2021 and 2022:


Case Study #3: Elections

Data Science Applications & Use Cases
Instructor: Ekpe Okorafor
1. Accenture - Big Data Academy
2. Computer Science African University of Science & Technology

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